Huffington Post: Arianne laughs, her minions take another one for the team (and the liberal cause)
The awful truth |
Huffington Post: A journalistic race to the bottom - It's a good thing that Arianne Huffington is becoming a major player in the news-and-entertainement bussiness. Good thing too remember, like Nikki Finke is doing right now, that all the things you are doing on the net are forever (She merely trashed the HuffPo, forecasting a very short life for the $1 Million-investment-now-turned-a-$ 315 Million-adquisition-by-AOL). Too bad when everybody in the bussiness notices you are 100% dead wrong without any reasonable possibility of denial. The bad, ugly, unredeemable thing is the way Ms. Huffington manages her empire. Hiring journalists for next to nothing, specially when they are desperate enough from being fired elsewhere... well, where's your sensitive heart of gold, champion of liberalism Arianne?The Huffington Post is a brilliantly packaged product with a particular flair for addressing the cultural and entertainment tastes of its overwhelmingly liberal audience. To grasp its business model, though, you need to picture a galley rowed by slaves and commanded by pirates. Given the fact that its founder, Huffington, reportedly will walk away from this acquisition with a personal profit of as much as $100 million, it makes all the Post's raging against Wall Street plutocrats, crony capitalism and the Bush and Obama administrations' insensitivities to the middle class and the unemployed a bit much.
That was not very known in the internet until now. But it is being known. People will see you as a hypocrite. They will turn their backs. You will lose your precious money.
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